Friday, January 13, 2012

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy for professional adults, educators, medical professionals by Achievement Solutions Hypnotherapy

Do you have bad habits that leave you feeling trapped?
Do you want to be a non smoker?
Do you feel stressed to the max?
Do you want to gain more confidence?

Hypnotherapy can help if you have answered “yes” to any of these questions. As an extremely effective solution for numerous issues, Hypnotherapy is proved to be a useful tool to stop smoking, achieve your ideal weight, or overcoming phobias, addictions, low self-esteem, insomnia and many other problems. Imagine the sense of pride and satisfaction you would feel as you accomplish your goals and feel in control of your own destiny!

Achievement Solutions Hypnotherapy has one mission:  to partner with you in order to provide you with self-empowerment tools to help you achieve your goals and have more control over your physical, emotional and spirtual health. As a result YOU help create lasting positive change so you can have the life you dream of.

Dori Strait, Ed.S., School Psychologist, Certified Hypnotherapist, is  highly trained in psychology, counseling, and hypnotherapy.  She brings more than 13 years of successful experience as a school psychologist in public school systems in Georgia and Tennessee, where she has helped numerous parents, educators and children overcome obstacles to success.  She will work with you to help you achieve your dreams to stop smoking, achieve your ideal weight, increase self-confidence, eliminate phobias and unnecessary fears, and change bad habits. Ms. Strait stands behind her work and in her ability to empower people to change their lives for the better. She is certified hypnotherapist who is credentialed by the National Guild of Hypnotists.

Quit Smoking

Sound Familiar?

I can quit any time, but I don’t want to.

I know I should quit smoking, but I enjoy it

My friends all smoke; it’s unfair that I have to quit

It’s my right to smoke.

If I quit smoking, I know I’ll gain weight.

I want to quit, but don’t have the will power.

Have you said any of these things?  How often have you tried to quit smoking?  Are you frustrated because you cannot stop the cravings and become a nonsmoker?  Smoking is one of the toughest addictions to overcome, as tobacco is one of the most addictive substances known to man.  The American Council on Science and Health reports that smoking has become the leader in preventable deaths in the United States.

Hypnosis is an effective, safe way to stop smoking.  Hypnosis works through suggestion to your subconscious mind, where habits, both good and bad are housed.  Through hypnosis the desire to smoke is replaced by healthy alternative behaviors.

Weight Loss

DIETS DON’T WORK                                           

Tired of dieting? We all know that diets don’t work long term.   At Achievement Solutions Hypnotherapy, we begin by changing your behavior

The second step is to resolve and reprogram the underlying causes of current eating habits and then reinforce and add new empowering thoughts and behaviors to permanently change the way you eat. Using hypnotherapy we remove the emotional reasons for eating and reinforce new behaviors.

Weight loss sessions are customized to the individual.  The diet plan we provide is not just another diet.  It is a way to permanently change your habitual ways of interacting with food.



Phobias are very common.  One in nine persons have some type of phobia—more than eleven percent of the population.  One in twenty has panic attacks at some time in their life, often triggered by a phobia.  There is little that conventional medical science can to for phobias, other than prescribing medication.

Hypnosis can in many cases alleviate or eliminate the phobia. I have known clients who have had a fear of flying.  In the past they have either avoided flying or gone through agony and a great deal of mental pain when they boarded an aircraft to go on vacation.  A number of these persons spent their vacation time in fear of the return trip.

Hypnosis can reverse the fear that caused the phobia through regression therapy to the original event. We use desensitization techniques to dissociate clients from the original trauma.


Addiction :

Millions of people turn to addictions for temporary relief. Are you one? An addiction is a behavior that you consistently give in to, which can bring you more problems than benefits. What is important to understand about addiction is that it is an attempt to fill some sort of emotional need, to fill a void in your life.

Some of the most common addictions today include gambling, exercise, work, extreme sports, computer gaming, and shopping. Although most of these are natural and can be a normal part of your daily life, in excess they can cause you real problems.

To permanently treat addictions, it is very important to first understand the nature of the emotional void you are trying to fill through your addiction. It must be explore and understood, so you can comprehend the root of your addiction.  Through hypnotherapy you can establish a firm foundation where recovery begins.


Do you want to control the pain instead of the pain controlling you?

Hypnosis is extremely effective in alleviating pain and has proven to be possibly the best method for managing acute and chronic pain, without the use of drugs.  For example, studies have shown hypnosis to be effective for the relief of pain in pre and post-surgical operations, dental procedures, and in childbirth.

With hypnosis we can communicate with the brain to change the message loops by communicating messages of healing to replace old pain signals.

Proof Hypnosis Affects the Brain

According to Science Daily (April, 2005), brain imaging studies allow a greater understanding of what is happening in the brain when one experiences hypnosis. Sebastian Schulz-Stubner, M.D.,  author of the study, reported, “…it helps to dispel prejudice about hypnosis as a technique to manage pain because we can show an objective, measurable change in brain activity linked to a reduced perception of pain.” For more information, go to or, release date: April 8, 2005.



Are you stressed or anxious most of the time?  If you are, this is an unhealthy state which could lead to many other problems and challenges.  When you experience excessive anxiety and stress, your health, stamina, and ability to sleep could all be affected.  It may feel as if you are just barely getting by in life.

Stress also affects your ability to concentrate and to focus.  In relationships, too much stress can negatively affect your personal relationships and your level of joy.  You may have read that scientific research has confirmed the crucial role stress plays in contributing to such disorders as hypertension, stroke, heart attack, ulcers, pain, and cancer, to name a few.

To learn more about hypnotherapy visit, or speak directly to Dori (404) 421-9809.

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